Elora Helps

We Love Giving Back

A portion of all revenue goes to the following organizations

Bonton Farms Home Improvement Project

Bonton Farms is an urban farm located in an impoverished area of South Dallas that addresses health and wellness, economic stability, safe and affordable housing, transportation, education, access to fair credit and a sense of belonging.

The Bonton Farms Home Improvement Project focuses on helping homeowners in the Bonton neighborhood make repairs to their homes to ensure their safety and longevity.

To get involved or learn more about the organization, visit their website or send us a message using the link below.

Mountain of Hope

Mountain of Hope is a non-profit organization that partners with local churches around Creve, Haiti to help share the hope of the Gospel.

Mountain of Hope’s sponsorship program assists students enrolled in an Engineering, Medical and Law degree programs to change the lives of local Haitians and to help Haitian communities flourish spiritually and economically.

To sponsor a student or learn more about the organization, visit their website or send us a message using the link below.

Equip Mozambique

Equip Mozambique is a poverty alleviation, discipleship and evangelical non-profit organization located in Beira, Mozambique.

Among many initiatives, Equip Mozambique empowers local entrepreneurs to create and grow businesses, trains software engineers, and creates world changing technology to reduce poverty around the globe.

To get involved or learn more about the organization, visit their website or send us a message using the link below.

Equip Mozambique